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Summer of Nanopore Sequencing 2024

May 29–31, 2024

Nanopore sequencing, which analyzes individual DNA molecules in real time, is the “next big thing” in biology education. It promises to put real-time DNA sequencing within reach of the any motivated bioscience teacher. We envision a MinION miniature nanopore sequencing device in every biology teaching lab within a decade.

The DNA Learning Center (DNALC) and Oxford Nanopore are working together to adapt nanopore sequencing for use in education – including improved chemistry, workflows, directions, and packaging/pricing attractive to high school and college faculty. The DNALC’s popular DNA Subway is currently being redeveloped for full mobile use, including a new line for nanopore sequence analysis. Workshop participants will be the first to test the integrated Oxford Nanopore MinION/DNA Subway system, which will provide DNA sequencing and analysis any time, any place, by anyone.

The workshop will appeal especially to high school and college faculty who mentor student research or participate in large, distributed projects, such as DNA barcoding (DNALC), SEA-PHAGES (Howard Hughes Medical Institute), and Tiny Earth (University of Wisconsin). At less than $10 per barcode or metabarcode sample and $30 per phage or organelle genome, nanopore sequencing is a speedy and cost-effective alternative to commercial sequencing. Workshop participants will have the unique opportunity to immediately sequence and analyze DNA from samples they bring to the workshop. Barcode, metabarcode, and small genome sequencing will be covered.

All workshop participants will receive a $300 stipend. Although we expect that most participants will commute to the workshop, funding for travel, room & board is available for a limited number of qualified applicants living outside commuting distance.

Supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (#1821657, #2216349), Advanced Technological Education (#1901984), and NSF Arecibo Center for STEM Education and Research (#2321729); and the National Institutes of Health Science Education Partnership Award (#5R25GM137355). Equipment and supplies provided by Oxford Nanopore.

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF Awards ID 2321759, 2321760, and 2321761.) Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Logo of the National Science Foundation AC3. NSF on a blue and tan globe illustration with decorative crown shape next to AC3 in blue over a red swoosh shape.